Diane Dean

Diane Dean

Diane has decades of coaching experience, and certification by the International Coaching Federation, and is ready to discuss many topics and skills to help clients achieve success in their business or company.

Jane Baxter Lynn

Jane Baxter Lynn

Jane Baxter Lynn is an experienced strategic planner, facilitator and professional communicator. She has spent three decades in global, national and regional communications, marketing and non-profit management, and has a wealth of contacts and resources worldwide.

Jennifer Jones

Jennifer Jones

Jennifer brings a wealth of 25 years in strategic communications, predominantly within the tech sector. From Intel to Microsoft and running her own firm, JKJ Marketing, she’s become a trusted expert in narrative crafting, crisis management, and data-driven optimization.

Jennifer Stayton

Jennifer Stayton

“Morning Edition” Host, KUT 90.5 FM. Jennifer Stayton is a native Austinite with nearly 30 years of experience as a radio broadcaster. She has worked in both public and commercial radio as a host, newscast anchor, interviewer, news reporter, DJ, producer, writer, editor, news assignment coordinator, delivery and speech coach, intern supervisor, and (briefly) salesperson.