Board of Directors
5omen Communicators of Austin elects its officers to serve one-year terms beginning in June of each year. Please feel free to contact any member of our board of directors with your questions about the organization. Applications for board service are accepted year-round; the board service term is June 1 – May 31.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Michel Hudson, CFRE, CEFL
Alice M. Walton
Angel Leverett
Roberta Coffin
Caitlyn Macaluso
VP of Operations & Secretary
Cathy Edison
VP of Membership
Megan Nguyen, PhD
VP of Engagement
Jaime Lee
VP of Philanthropy
Amy Carr
Co-VP of Programs
Catherine Jewell
Co-VP of Programs
Vivvi Britton
VP of Career Services
Kathleen Hackney
VP of Development
Sarah Parker
VP of Professional Development (Get Smart)
Christy Sievert
VP of Communications
[Position Open]
VP of Special Programs (Banner Brunch)