Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

WCA believes that a diverse, inclusive and equitable environment where all our members can grow, thrive and lead as communications professionals benefits us all.

We recognize that realizing our vision – “to be the source that Austin communicators seek for community, leadership, and professional development,” – relies on a strong foundation where everyone feels they belong.

Walking the Talk

In 2020 the WCA Board created the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Task Force to develop recommendations for  a sustainable culture of diversity and inclusion that reaches all parts of  the organization.

The DE&I Task Force transformed into a DE&I committee that is currently working on:

  • Establishing a DE&I advisory group that provides counsel to the WCA board and committee leaders 
  • Recruiting more diverse members (race, nationality, sexual orientation, physical ability, age, thinking style)
  • Ensuring speakers and honorees come from a variety of backgrounds
  • Removing barriers to knowledge sharing and participation
  • Keeping DE&I at the forefront of conversations and ensuring it remains a top priority


Does all this resonate with you? Do you have some great ideas on how to make WCA the most welcoming and inclusive organization in town? Send an email to president@wcaustin.org and join us!