The community for Austin communicators


For more than 90 years, Women Communicators of Austin has championed women in journalism, media, marketing, and every other communication role. No matter what the “next era” of communications has delivered, our members continue to fearlessly architect their careers into whatever they can imagine. Sound like your kind of group? Join us!

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Women Communicators Networking Austin 2021
WCA Past Presidents
WCA Banner Brunch Networking Austin
Banner Awards WCA


May 4, 2024

I love the range of experience and skills in WCA. I have the opportunity to learn from experts in the field and mentor someone just beginning her career in communications, often at the same event.

— Laura Shankland, Senior Consultant, American Institutes for Research & former board member

WHO We are | Why We Join

Dating back to 1929, Women Communicators of Austin (WCA) is one of the largest and most diverse professional communications organizations in Austin. Our membership includes more than 250 women and men from across a spectrum of communication specialties including journalism, public relations, marketing, design and corporate communications.

As WCA members, we are passionate about the organizations we serve, energized by collaboration with one another and always seeking the next challenge.

Career Exploration

Take opportunities to try new things, ask questions and meet mentors through our Mentor Program.

Career Enhancement

Capture leadership opportunities and build value in the communications profession

Career Acceleration

Find fresh ideas and spur skill development through events like Get Smart and Careers Over Coffee.

Year Founded


Events Per Year

Thank you to our annual sponsors!

Matthew Lemke
Exec Wranglers
Monarch Media and Consulting

Freelance Austin

Austin’s Source for Freelance and Contract Communicators

Freelance Austin, a special interest group of WCA, is a top source of writers, editors, graphic designers, web designers, voice talent, public relations and marketing consultants, business coaches, photographers, and other creative, independent communications professionals in the Austin area — since 1995.

“I got my job through WCA!”

Recent Job Bank Listings

(Member LOgin required)

WCA members know about the best communication jobs before the job ever makes it to  the mainstream job sites.  

These job bank postings often come from WCA members who know of a job at their organization or one of their clients. Get the inside scoop by signing up for email alerts when new jobs are posted. 

News, Tips, Advice and More

What Every Nonprofit Leader & Consultant Should Know About Imposter Syndrome

What Every Nonprofit Leader & Consultant Should Know About Imposter Syndrome

Until fairly recently I didn’t know it had a name or that it was a real thing. What a relief it was to finally understand that this illogical feeling I have had throughout my career wasn’t simply me being ridiculous. It has a name and it’s a fairly common phenomenon. Imposter Syndrome. And, most importantly, it happens to the best of us.

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