What do experienced consultants and freelancers recommend as the best ways to develop new business? Everyone tells me to tap into my network but what does that really mean?

Ask a Peer Mentor: How do I find clients for my new consulting business?Dear Mentors,

After 10 years of working in corporate communications teams, I’ve made the decision to start my own communications consulting practice. I have a good sense of the niche I want to serve and the value that I bring. But what does it really take to drum up enough clients to be successful? I would love to hear from mentors who are consultants or freelancers about the best, most effective ways to market myself and develop new business.

Editor’s Note: Many members of Women Communicators of Austin are freelancers, consultants, and small business owners. I can say from personal experience that those members can offer a wealth of expertise and practical advice to others who want to build their businesses. Just ask them! The beautiful thing about WCA is the collaborative–not competitive–spirit of the organization. We all support each other’s success.Paige Booth

Dear Mentee,

When I started my editorial business, I began by simply letting my friends, former employers, and colleagues know that I was open for business. Nearly all of my business over the years has come from high-quality direct referrals from my connections (including WCA colleagues). I also benefited from subcontracting for other freelancers until I was able to build up my business.

While it’s great to have your ideal work in mind, most freelancers need to be open to a variety of projects and a wide range of industries. I’ve written about everything from building turnstiles, to walkie-talkies, to beeswax, to refrigerated trucks. And I would have never gotten into one of my strongest niches—finance—if I didn’t just give it a try when the opportunity arose.

Best of luck! LuAnn Glowacz

Dear Mentee,

Since you know your niche, start by making a list of companies or people who you think would benefit from your services–ideally they do not currently have your talent, expertise, and skills on their team. Ask yourself: Who is struggling and how can I help? Reach out directly by either finding a mutual connection or simply calling and making an introduction. If your niche has a strong local market, attend events in those markets to network.

Be sure to tell all the people in your community (including WCA friends!) that you are searching for “____-type of clients with a need for _____ services.” Simply ask for their suggestions or referrals. While your best bet is always a direct referral from a connection, as LuAnn said above, to get to the right decision-makers, you may need to add to or strengthen your connections!

Good luck, Andrea Exter

Hello Mentee,

In 16 years of running my business, I’ve tried every new business tactic in the book. I have to be honest, for me success comes from word of mouth and keeping in touch with past clients. Sure, you can do things to increase your visibility, like speaking at events and conferences, hosting industry research, or even writing a book! And you can do things to showcase your knowledge and capabilities, like volunteering in visible places or giving “free samples” of your work (publishing how-to’s or thought leadership; offering free 30 minute consultations). But as the other mentors have said, it’s all about your network.

Go for it! Jenny Magic

Bonus Resource:  Business growth mentor Amy Posner wrote this blog on how to set yourself up for future business when concluding a client engagement.

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Compiled and edited by Paige Booth