Edited by Sophia Lopez.

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Have you had the chance to meet Nickie?

We are so excited to feature Nickie Froiland for our Member Spotlight this month. As we get closer to the New Year, we are all about change and vibrant energies. And Nickie perfectly embodies these qualities (her official title is “Director of New Opportunities”). Read on to learn more about Nickie’s work and approach to life!

“I’m lit up about making big things happen! I exist to make “What If” possible and work with businesses and people to achieve their potential. My skills and expertise center around capturing my clients’ awesomeness (defining their competitive difference), providing a standard sales or business development process w/training to maximize sales results, and external brand support ranging from digital/SEO to traditional.

My approach to life is as dedicated as it is to work. To me, there’s no difference. I work hard, play hard, and even nap hard; I will never understand a 20-minute nap just like I’ll never understand doing things the easy way. I’m all in all the time. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, a marathon runner, a lover of great food and craft cocktails, enjoy paddle boarding with my husband, love making people smile as I walk down the street, and relish in an opportunity to have a positive effect on someone’s life through mentoring, coaching, fundraising, or whatever it takes. My daily creed is to give every day all I’ve got, do one thing every day that scares me, and end each day with pride in all I accomplished.”

We love this approach! When was the last time you did something that scared you? Dare we say it…? Hello 2017 New Year’s Resolution!

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