Resume Review GraphicHave you put off updating your résumé for too long? Don’t get distracted by the dozens of templates online. Get in-house advice with the help of Women Communicators of Austin’s Résumé Review Program.

As a free service to all WCA members, our Résumé Review Program is an ongoing opportunity for members to share their resume with an experienced advisor and receive insightful feedback.

Our résumé review counselor, Meilee D. Bridges, is the current owner of The Good Word Consulting Services, and co-founder of the Austin Editor’s Guild. As an experienced educator and WCA member, she has an extensive background in academic coaching, teaching, and hosting workshops for editing and copywriting services. Meilee also taught at the University of Michigan, where she earned her MA and PhD, as well as at Trinity University and the University of Maryland.

Preparing For Your Résumé Review Session:

The best way to prepare for your résumé review session is by selecting specific employment opportunities or job descriptions you are interested in. If you are already employed, and simply would like to update your résumé, add your recent accomplishments beforehand.

WCA’s Résumé Review includes the following within five business days:

  • Honest, personalized feedback in the form of an email
  • Responses to your stated question(s) or concern(s)
  • Suggestions on improving the overall content, organization, and/or style

WCA Résumé Review will NOT include the following:

  • A line-by-line markup of the document
  • Proofreading
  • Follow-up sessions by phone, Skype, etc.
  • Job coaching (For career coaching, please sign up for a WCA Mentor)

The Résumé Review Program is a great way to get your résumé up to industry standards and maintains its competitive edge, as well as take advantage of the free member resources at WCA. While this can be frustrating to do alone, take the advice of a fellow member at WCA and sign up today.

To get started, fill out the Résumé Review form where you can attach your resume and any supporting documents (e.g., a relevant job ad). For any questions, please contact