Written by Tricia Barendregt.

Amy Simmons_Amys Ice Cream_HeadshotGet Smart 2015 is around the corner and the Women Communicators of Austin is thrilled to have Amy Simmons, Founder & CEO of Amy’s Ice Creams as the keynote speaker for the conference! This year’s conference will be held on Nov. 6, 2015 and will be focused on “The Art of Storytelling”. We sat down with Amy to get a sneak peek of her keynote presentation and learn more about Amy’s Ice Creams’ uniquely Austin story.

Q: What is Amy’s Ice Creams’ philosophy? How did that come about?

A: Our mission statement is to “Make People’s Day.” Notice we didn’t say customers’ day (because) we mean all people. We include coworkers, vendors and donation partners – anyone we come in contact with. We created this mission statement shortly after the store opened. It inspires us every day and we promise that you can ask any scoop what our mission statement is and if they don’t know it, Amy’s will buy your ice cream.

Q: If your brand were a person, how would he/she be?

A: She would be an outspoken brave woman. You’ve heard of counter-culture, well, she exudes counter-confidence. She is a self-made woman and finds the best in everyone she meets. She helps to find their strengths and encourages those around her to do more and be better.

Q: What makes your message unique?

A: Our message is so unique because it comes from the heart. It means something to everyone who works for us and who works with us. It’s our moral compass that keeps us in business. We use that to help us have the best customer service and the best product; it makes us proud to work alongside our colleagues.

Q: What’s the best storytelling advice you’ve ever received?GS-Storytelling2b

A: I can’t say I have ever received any advice on storytelling. I can, however, in retrospect credit much of Amy’s Ice Creams’ success to a natural (or family-modeled) penchant for colorfully conveying information in a way that connects with people – in which ‘wallah’ has been coined storytelling!

Q: What inspires you and why?

A: What inspires me is the American Dream! The choice and ability to BE anything you want to be with enough hard work and perseverance. That sounds trite and naive – but I truly believe we can shape our lives if we are fueled by curiosity and drive.

Q: What can Get Smart attendees expect to learn from your session?

A: I am very excited to spend time with the Get Smart audience. I will be sharing the role Storytelling has played in making Amy’s Ice Creams, a relatively small regional ice cream shop, nationally profiled in such television shows as, CNBC’s Power Lunch, Al Roker’s “On The Road”, “Giada” and “The View” as well as publications including “The Wall Street Journal”, “INC”, “People”, “Readers Digest”, “Fast Company”, “Forbes”, “Newsweek” and “Southern Living”. It is my hope that we all leave this event inspired, with insight into painting pictures with words that inspire others!

Get Smart 2015 is only 10 days away – don’t miss out on a great opportunity to hear from 18 Austin communications experts and their insider’s guide for how to tell your story perfectly, every time in any medium. Register now!