by Women Communicators of Austin | Sep 26, 2016 | Ask a Mentor, Featured Home
Got your own career conundrum you’d like advice on? Then sign up for the WCA mentor program. It’s free to members! Compiled and edited by Julie Tereshchuk Dear Mentors, Am I too old for a mentor? Yours, Ms. ACertainAge Dear Ms. ACertainAge, No matter your age, stage...
by Katie McKee | Aug 15, 2016 | Ask a Mentor
Compiled and edited by Julie Tereshchuk Dear Mentors, How do I reconfigure myself and adapt to working in a corporate environment after freelancing with multiple clients? Yours, Ms. NeedALifeHack Dear Ms. NeedALifeHack, Making the shift from being a free agent to...
by Katie McKee | Aug 15, 2016 | Ask a Mentor, Featured Home
Got your own career conundrum you’d like advice on? Then sign up for the WCA mentor program. It’s free to members! Compiled and edited by Julie Tereshchuk Dear Mentors, What advice do you have to interns? What qualities do you look for, or is it all about...
by Danielle Urban | May 12, 2016 | Ask a Mentor, Feature News, Featured Home
Compiled and edited by Julie Tereshchuk. Got your own career conundrum you’d like advice on? Then sign up for the WCA mentor program. It’s free to members! [Editor’s note: this month we’ve got a two-fer, with similar questions from a student...
by Danielle Urban | Apr 19, 2016 | Ask a Mentor, Feature News, Featured Home
Compiled and edited by Julie Tereshchuk. Got your own career conundrum you’d like advice on? Then sign up for the WCA mentor program. It’s free to members! “Dear Mentors, I’m mid-career and in career flux. And, honestly, I feel pulled in a...
by Danielle Urban | Mar 17, 2016 | Ask a Mentor, Feature News, Featured Home
Compiled and edited by Julie Tereshchuk. “Dear Mentors, I’d like to switch directions in my communications career and I’m sure that my experience and skills will cross over. Then I read the job ads, and I’m not so sure. Everything seems so specific. How do I...