Written by Noemi Ortiz.

Mindfulness: Achieve the Power of a Focused Mind


On November 16 WCA@Lunch featured Jenn Fairbank and Erika Marcoux, founders and CEOs of Cornerstone Mindfulness, LLC, who spoke on achieving the power of a focused mind.  They explored the topic of mindfulness, a powerful mind skill backed by neuroscientists, and how it can increase leadership skills, decision-making, and mental clarity.  WCA had a chance to ask Erika Marcoux more about the topic, and she graciously shared some insights.

WCA: When did you first come to an awareness of mindfulness? How would you describe it?

Erika: Our definition of mindfulness is paying attention on purpose in the present moment with acceptance. Most of us practice mindfulness without even knowing it and there are many different ways to do it. Mindfulness occurs naturally, is scientifically based, and not religious. I first learned about mindfulness in graduate school when working on my master’s degree in somatic counseling psychology at John F. Kennedy University. Soma means the body, and I learned how to focus all of my attention on the body to increase mindfulness. I have practiced meditation since 2007, and teach our Business Mindfulness Training to leaders, organizations, and individuals.

WCA: How can mindfulness help a person navigate his/her professional and personal life?

Erika: Mindfulness can help any professional use stress to their advantage, think clearly, and work productively. We have a baseline of functioning and this set point is movable. With deliberate training, we can function at a higher level.  Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Steve Jobs are a few examples of highly successful people who used meditation to change and shape the world. Through their deep concentration and focus, they delivered brilliant contributions. Albert Einstein is the quintessential human being who proves that meditation works. He said, “Through meditation I found answers before I even asked the question.” When it comes to productivity and ingenuity, his contributions are unparalleled because he was deeply connected in meditation.

WCA: What are some benefits to mindfulness?

Erika: Neuroscience and mindfulness research prove that meditation prolongs your life, improves sleep, increases weight loss, and decreases physical pain. Meditation increases emotional regulation and your decision-making ability. Your brain literally grows, which significantly increases your brain function. The benefits include an increase in memory, creativity, and attention. Deliberate training with Cornerstone will give you the mental skills to function at your highest level as we use scientifically-based techniques that work.

WCA: It seems that especially in today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with information.  Do you think we need to practice mindfulness now more than before?

Erika: Yes, we need to practice mindfulness now more than before. Culturally, we are becoming easily distracted by extraneous stimuli, especially by our smartphones. It’s as if our society has developed and accepted having collective Attention Deficit Disorder. It is easy for the mind to be distracted and ruminate on the same thoughts. This is not productive thinking. Practicing meditation is exercise for our brain like working out at the gym is exercise for our muscles.

WCA: What is one simple thing we can do each day to make our lives simpler, productive, and more focused?

Erika: Beginners to meditation often resist, saying they don’t have time, won’t be productive, and aren’t good at it. To these beginners, we say that meditation can take 10 minutes a day. You’ll be more productive, and it will get easier with practice. We are happy to share our signature Cornerstone Meditation.  Please email info@CornerstoneMindfulness.com.

Such a great subject! If you are interested in learning more, reach out to Erika at Cornerstone Mindfulness!

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