Tom MyerAs freelancers, we all know the deal: Keep marketing yourself, keep working, keep pitching, or the bank account dries up. Get sick, go on vacation, get too busy to market yourself, and your future business suffers. One possible solution is to start creating product offerings that create steady income. You don’t have to create instant best-sellers or blockbusters, just small revenue streams that you can easily grow into bigger ones that will even out your cash flow.

Thomas Myer (aka “Myerman”) is a technical author, consultant and developer. He spends most of his time working on PHP projects (particularly CodeIgniter, ExpressionEngine, WordPress and MojoMotor) but also dabbles in Python, Perl and Objective-C projects.

He shared with us that freelancers can create a product: coders can create apps, designers can create themes and templates, writers can create e-books, coaches can create audio/video products, and anyone can create membership sites and teaching materials.

Thomas answered some basic questions:

  • How do I figure out what kind of product to create?
  • What are the best options for getting started?
  • Where do I sell my products?
  • What are the best ways to market my products?

Follow Thomas on twitter (if you dare) as @myerman. Don’t forget to check out Triple Dog Dare Media, which Thomas founded in 2001.

Thomas lives in Austin with wife Hope and dogs Kafka and Marlowe.


Notes from Tom Myer

The meeting was held at:

Ronald  McDonal House
1315 Barbara Jordan Boulevard
Austin, TX  78723

Ginny Murphy