by Joshunda Sanders | Aug 12, 2013 | Featured Home, WCAustin
From Cory Leahy, Associate Director of Digital Strategy and Senior Editor at The University of Texas at Austin: Be sure to keep learning. Once you’re out of school, the structure for formal learning can evaporate. Classes, lectures, reading assignments, and deep...
by Joshunda Sanders | Aug 8, 2013 | Featured Home, General Info, uncategorized, WCAustin
Trust Yourself By Sheri Parr Einstein said, “ the intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” The intuitive mind provides direct knowledge of our personal...
by Joshunda Sanders | Jul 24, 2013 | Featured Home, General Info, uncategorized, WCAustin
From the WCA Progress of Women Committee: These WCA members and leaders in business, education, and nonprofit organizations offer advice from their leadership experiences. Enlarge your world. I try to surround myself with people who inspire me and with work...
by Joshunda Sanders | Jul 15, 2013 | Featured Home, uncategorized, WCAustin
Post by the WCA Progress of Women Committee There once was a time when female journalists had to wear hats and gloves to work, as all proper ladies did. Today in Austin, the editor and the publisher of the Austin American-Statesman and the general managers of two of...
by Joshunda Sanders | Jul 14, 2013 | Featured Home, General Info, Guest Posts, uncategorized, WCAustin
New Beginnings for WCA By Susan Jahns, WCA President The new 2013-14 board for Women Communicators of Austin came together for their board retreat in mid-June full of energy and ideas for the year ahead. As our organization embraces a new name and an independent...
by Judi Hays | Apr 29, 2013 | Events, Featured Home, Membership, WCAustin
Woo hoo! We’re making it even easier for you to find a reason to join our fabulous organization during the month of May. If you’ve ever thought about joining Women Communicators of Austin (WCA), now is the time. Our spring membership drive is May 1st to May 31st,...