by Ginny Murphy | Jul 14, 2010 | Event, Freelance Austin Blog, Meeting Recaps, Resources, Working with Freelancers
Is “Give it away, give it away now!” really a good idea? We share our knowledge by blogging and being helpful; it does not pay the bills, but it can indirectly market our services. How to draw the line between giving away free ideas and possibly attracting...
by Ginny Murphy | May 12, 2010 | Event, Freelance Austin Blog, Meeting Recaps, Resources
Sherry Lowry, a long-time entrepreneur, has developed seven businesses in seven industries ranging in size from a solo/freelancer supported one up to an entity of 20,000 clients across N.America. She works primarily with founders and owners of other...
by Ginny Murphy | Apr 14, 2010 | Event, Freelance Austin Blog, Meeting Recaps, Resources
Tony Quesada, Managing Editor of the Austin Business Journal (ABJ), will talk about ABJ and the kinds of articles they typically outsource, including do’s and don’ts for those who wish to write for them. Tony has been a reporter and editor at four newspapers in...
by Ginny Murphy | Sep 9, 2009 | Event, Freelance Austin Blog, Meeting Recaps, Resources
Magazines need you! But you have to make it a little easier for them. The good news is there are lots of new ways to get in front of hiring magazine editors and art directors, and most of them have nothing to do with the old-school letter-and-pitch or postcard...
by Ginny Murphy | Jul 8, 2009 | Event, Freelance Austin Blog, Meeting Recaps, Resources
It’s about 130 words long. It is polite, respectful, and unassuming. Don’t be fooled by this, though. It is the most important email you will send if you are looking for clients or looking for work. It is the Magic Email. Brian Massey presented the Champion Strategy...