Faces of Freelance Austin is a monthly feature to get to know one of our many members just a little bit better. For this month’s installment, we check in with Ashley Abedini, Communications Co-Chair of Freelance Austin. Want to nominate a member to be interviewed for this feature? Let us know!

Name: Ashley Abedinifaces of freelance austin ashley

Email: AbediniAshley@gmail.com

No. of years freelancing: 1

Located: Austin TX

Accepting new work? Yes

Your superhero power: The ability to smell Thai food miles away


How do you describe the work you do?

Branding + social + copywriting

Describe your path to becoming a freelancer/small business owner/solopreneur.

I have always wanted to be my own brand. I went to school for business/marketing with that general goal in mind.

Was there an “aha” moment when you realized you wanted to strike out on your own?

After a particularly hard task of writing conservative (ha) ads, I quit to follow my dream! (And no more smear ads to write!)

How has career independence changed your professional and personal world?

It made me figure out and, in some cases, strengthen what is important to me & what I am passionate about.

Has there been a point when you’ve taken a big risk to move forward?

I quit my secure job to move to Austin! It was a risk, but paid off 🙂

Tell us what your day is like. Do you have a routine?

I try to wake up by 7, force myself to leave my apartment, and then just try to get as much done as possible.

What, outside of your professional work, drives you? Any hobbies, passions or side projects?

I love people, so enjoy making friends. I am passionate about mental health, and am planning on getting my master’s in art in counseling in order to do so.

But in the meantime, all the food (I manage @ATXBrokeGirls), and all the dogs.

What was the biggest surprise or shock you found in freelancing? If you could share a bit of wisdom with your newbie freelance self what would it be?

How hard it is—even when you are a structured person—to stick to a routine. Routine is key!

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out?

Be structured. Make yourself wake up at a certain time. Work in whatever environment is most conducive. Give yourself downtime.

Don’t get worked up in all the details and add-ons to purchase to improve your site. Just focus on the customer service.

Good work leads to more referrals. And referrals are king here with so much competition.

Kristen Hicks