Leander ISD Superintendent, Dr. Bret Champion, joins us for AWC Austin’s August luncheon where he will explain how to communicate challenges to a diverse and highly invested audience. Dr. Champion will present a case study that explores how Leander ISD effectively communicated financial and educational challenges to parents, teachers and community stakeholders. By listening, gathering input and feeding information forward, the District created a productive conversation. He’ll share successes and lessons learned alike. Join us on Wednesday, August 15th from 11:30- 1 PM at the UT Club to learn more.

Dr. Bret Champion

AWC Austin: What is the role of communication in education today?
BC: Now more than ever, communicating with parents and the community about our schools and the needs of our students is imperative to the success of students. Education is no different than any other industry that faces the challenges of the ever-changing world of communications, with one exception – we teach people’s children. Having said that, we are expected to be able to communicate quickly and effectively, especially when there is a possible threat to safety. Communicating well with parents helps to build confidence and security in a school district. The community has entrusted us with their children, and we have to maintain and build upon that trust.

AWC Austin: How has the way you communicate to parents, students, teachers and staff changed over the last few years?
BC: When many of us were growing up, the primary method of school/parent communication was a note home in the backpack. Today, a note home is the slowest way to get information home to parents. We use automated phone calls, social media postings, our website and campus websites, and email blasts to share important information. Parents want instant information, and we strive to accurately share what we know, when we know it, to avoid any miscommunication, especially with regard to student safety.

AWC Austin: Where do you see communication in education heading in the next few years?
BC: It is clear that parents desire instant communication, just like everyone else, and we will continue to utilize technology as it changes and develops. As public schools, we are limited to what we can pay to use this technology, but so much of it is free and that’s how our parents are getting their information. There might be some instances where a personal note home from the teacher is still important, but a teacher can communicate more efficiently with more parents online at one time. At the end of the day, if we all stay focused on the success of our students and keep our lines of communication open, we’ll have done our jobs well.

AWC Austin: What is your favorite thing about living in the Austin area?
BC: I love the Cedar Park/Leander/Four Points area and am proud of it being our hometown for almost 20 years. As to Austin and as a theatre guy, I appreciate its vibrant theatre and performing arts scene. The commitment to healthy lifestyles is certainly an added attraction, as the hike and bike trails continue to expand across the area!

To hear more from Dr. Champion sign up to attend the August AWC Austin luncheon today! Remember, if you register by August 7th, you’ll qualify for the early bird rate.


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