Fall is finally here and it’s almost time to start thinking about holiday shopping. We all create lists of things to purchase for other people, but how about something for yourself? Why not give yourself a gift that lasts an entire year with a membership to the Austin chapter of the Association for Women in Communication? It’s a great opportunity to work on your personal development.

Let us break down 12 reasons why you should invest in an AWC membership for 2011-2012:

12 Reasons to Join AWC Austin This Fall

12. You get to meet cool women like Julie Lara, Ellie Scarborough, Dara Quackenbush and Christine Cox. (They are all a big deal and you want to get to know them.)

11. You can serve as a mentor to young professionals in the PR, writing, marketing, communication or advertising fields.

10. As an AWC Austin member, you have an automatic membership to Freelance Austin. (Major bonus if you run your own freelancing business in Austin.)

9. You can attend insightful monthly luncheons where you can learn how to do your job better.  Last year we heard from experts in the field on ways to hone our creativity, organize our inboxes and legal issues surrounding communication today.

8. As a member of AWC Austin you have special access to Leader Lunches. These are a great way to meet with executive-level big-wig Austin communicators and share a delicious lunch.

7. Do you like coffee? So do many of AWC Austin’s members! In fact, we have two different groups of women who love coffee so much they meet once a month to chat about careers, trends in communication and enjoy a nice cup of joe. Choose from Careers Over Coffee North or Careers Over Coffee South, depending on where you live.

6. Do you like Cocktails? Meet other members and communications professionals at our monthly happy hour, Connect Over Cocktails which takes place every third Thursday of the month.

5. As a member of AWC Austin you can take charge of your own career development at our annual Get Smart professional development day. (Speaking of which, the 2011 Get Smart event is taking place this Friday!)

4. Compared to some of the other organizations for professional communication in Austin, we have some of the lowest membership costs.

3. Who doesn’t want an excuse to get all dressed up and sip  mimosas with your friends? Join us at AWC Austin’s Banner Brunch Awards breakfast and then let Korey Howell take silly photos of you. Come and see why Banner Brunch is one of the most enjoyable events of the year.

2. Many members have found new jobs, changed jobs or created business partnership through connections from the AWC Forum. Join the forum for the latest job opportunities Austin has to offer.

And finally…

1. Both national and local application fees are waived until Nov. 15, saving you $60 if you join now.

What are you waiting for? Join AWC Austin today!. Fees are $164 for professional members ($129 for national dues; $35 for local dues) and $149 for entrepreneurial members ($115 for national dues; $35 for local dues). After Nov. 15, 2011, please add a $60 in national and local application fees. 

Photo uploaded to Flickr Creative Commons.

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