Freelancers in Austin unite! While there are plenty of networking and co-working opportunities for freelancers in Austin, the official Freelance Austin group is one to put on your radar.  This group meets once a month at the Ronald McDonald House and other locations around Austin for meetups and discussion. As an official AWC committee, we encourage members to stop by or become part of the Freelance Austin meetup group.

Programs feature diverse topics relevant to the business of being a freelancer: getting and retaining clients, managing a small business, marketing, legal issues, tax tips, motivation, creativity and many more. Freelance Austin hosts two very special social events throughout the year to maximize networking opportunities for members.

Freelance Austin meetups are free for AWC members and just $35 for a yearly membership for non-members.

Mark your calendar for the next Freelance Austin meeting, taking place on September 14th. No need to worry about committing to the group on a yearly basis right now, first time visitors are always welcome free of charge.

If you’re interested in helping spread the word about Freelance Austin, the Volunteer Committee meets regularly to organize the group, coordinate and publicize meetings and address supporter concerns.

Visit their Facebook page for a sneak peak at conversations happening among Austin freelancers, or check out their Twitter stream and website for more information and details.

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