Next April, AWC Austin will award two, $3,500.00 scholarships to deserving undergraduates studying communications in Central Texas. The scholarship recipients will be recognized during AWC Austin’s annual Banner Brunch event.

Since 1989, AWC Austin has presented at least one student with a scholarship from AWC Austin’s Jo Caldwell Meyer Scholarship Fund. Previous scholarship recipients include students pursuing studies in journalism, radio-television-film, public relations, graphic design and more.

Below is a listing of the eligibility requirements and the deadline to submit the scholarship application. Click here for more information about the scholarship and to download a copy of the application. For those interested in making a tax-deductible donation to the Jo Caldwell Meyer Scholarship Fund, please click here.

1. Full-time student status (minimum of 12 hours)
2. Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00
3. Completed at least 30 hours and be classified as a Sophomore, or completed 60 hours and be classified as at least a Junior
4. Pursuing a career in the field of communications
5. Attending a Central Texas college or university

DEADLINE: Friday, January 21, 2011

by Rachel Jordan-Shuss

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