The 2014-2015 WCA board of directors just completed the annual board retreat. As they are getting prepped for a new year, Immediate Past President Susan Jahns shares her thoughts on the 2013-2014 year.

(left-right) Susan Jahns, Lisa Maxwell  and Margaret Harrist

(left-right) Susan Jahns, Lisa Maxwell
and Margaret Harrist

What an honor it has been to serve during our start-up year as Women Communicators of Austin. Much of our focus these past twelve months has been on building a strong framework for the organization to build upon, but there was plenty of opportunities to dream big as we imaged what our growing organization could be in the coming years.

Our very talented WCA board grew membership to just shy of 300. That’s a lot of amazing women to network with at your next luncheon! If you joined us for Connect Over Cocktails or a New Member Happy Hour, you no doubt saw the variety of communications disciplines represented in our membership. We truly are a unique group. This diversity includes age as well. WCA Student Liaison Samantha Furry worked with our student members to continue our presence on university campuses. The UT group has officially become a WCA organization and we are now able to reach out to students at other institutions that did not previously have chapters. Glenda Beasley and her Career Services committee did an amazing job this year to enhance the job bank and mentor program. From monthly career tips and job leads to mentoring for professionals and students, WCA offers growing resources for your career at every stage. With innovative programming in mind, we also kicked off the year with a very successful Get Smart conference led by Cristen James English and Danielle Urban, and continued with exceptional luncheons, Leader Lunches, a new Progress of Women Salon Series led by Dara Quackenbush and an incredible Banner Brunch. Look for more great professional development this year. And thanks to all of our sponsors and our VPs of Development, Julie Lara and Laura Bond Williams, who brought this financial support to our organization to help make our programs possible.

I go back to the beginning of the board year, which was launched with a Get Smart program that encouraged taking risks. “Leap and the net shall appear” was the mantra. We had just taken a major leap and were jumping into our future. I’m proud to be a part of such an exceptional organization that encourages risk and provides the support to take them. I’m also excited to see our new president, Lisa Maxwell, at the helm for the coming year with her rich knowledge of where we’ve been and her gusto for where we can go and who we can become. Thank you for a great year and allowing me to be your president.