Member Forum
The WCA Forum is an E-List open only to members of WCA. The forum is designed to provide a place for WCA members to ask questions, request resources or referrals, and share experiences with other professional communicators.
How to Use the Forum
- To subscribe, complete this form. Watch for a welcome email from us within 1-2 business days. Having issues? Email
- To manage your subscription: at the bottom of each message you send, you’ll see a link to click if you want to switch to/from digest, go on/off vacation, change your email address, or unsubscribe.
- To post to the forum: once you have subscribed, send your message to You must send emails to the forum from the email you signed up with, or your message will not be delivered.
- Forum messages and replies go to ALL subscribers. If you hit ‘reply’ on a message, it will go to the entire forum. Take a moment before you hit ‘send’ to ensure that’s what you intend to do. The message sender’s e-mail address is included at the top of the message so you know how to contact the message sender directly if that’s more appropriate.
What to Post to the Forum
- Questions and requests for help –As a member, use the forum to ask questions, seek advice on communications matters, look for referrals to tools or partners.
- Answers to questions & industry tips – find a great tool or know how to solve someone’s posted challenge? Answer away!
- Share job opportunities – We prefer you submit these to the WCA job bank and projects to Freelance Austin’s project bank but in a pinch the forum works too!
- Share events – Post details for events that you think will be of interest, preferably that you’re involved with or planning to attend. Invite others to participate with you (bonus points if you have a discount code!).
- Off-topic messages – The forum is not limited to communications topics; WCA members enjoy using it as a resource in life, too. So, feel free to share things you love, assuming you think it would benefit the majority of WCA members.
- Pro Tip: Start these subject lines with “OT:” to allow easy filtering for those not interested in these messages. For example:“OT: Seeking trusted contractor”
What NOT to Post to the Forum
- Your sales pitch – The forum is not meant to be used for solicitation purposes, nor do we want our members to feel spammed. Content should be for the benefit of the group.
- Spam – Be cognizant of how often you are sending out emails to the listserv. Ask yourself: “Will this information be useful to other WCA members?” If not, don’t send it.
- Political and religious topics – The forum is intended to uplift and support our members and is not a place for debates. Please honor this request in your postings.