Guest Post Submission Guidelines

We know the WCA community is full of talented people with varied and valuable insights. The WCA blog is a great place to share those insights with the larger community.

Why Submit a Guest Post to Women Communicators of Austin?

A post on the WCA blog is a great opportunity for you to promote your business, show off your skills and knowledge, and strengthen your reputation in the community.

All blog posts will include a byline so that writers can describe their services, link back to their website, and include any social media profiles used to connect with readers. We’ll also allow links within the post itself back to your website, as long as they’re natural (in other words, don’t be spammy about it).

And of course, your post will help to provide valuable information to the local business community.

Guidelines for Guest Posting

Guest posting on the WCA blog is a member benefit. If you’re not a member of WCA at this time, tap into this and a number of other awesome benefits by joining today!

Your submission must be relevant to our audience and meet basic quality standards. Our hope is to say “yes” to submissions as often as possible, though, so take time to read through these guidelines before submitting.

  • Your post must be relevant to an audience of communicators, entrepreneurs, and/or Austin business community members.
  • Your post may be re-purposed from your own blog, but don’t just copy and paste. Take a little time to turn it into something new.
  • WCA’s blog editors will review each piece (so there may be some minor changes to your submission before it’s published), but don’t let that be an excuse to be lazy. Proofread your submission before sending it. We recommend taking a few minutes to read it out loud to catch any awkward phrasing and typos.
  • We may ask you to tweak your post before it’s ready to be published, please be cooperative and professional (as you would with any client).
  • Your tone should be casual and enjoyable to read – not too academic or formal, and not riddled with jargon.
  • Include a short bio and headshot with your submission. We recommend including a link back to your website and your social media profiles within the bio.
  • If you have a recommended (legal) image to use with your post, send it along WITH the rights to publish.

If you’re a WCA member who doesn’t have any specific ideas for a blog post, but would still like to help out, let us know! We keep a running list of ideas that are relevant to our audience and may be able help you find one (or potentially more) that’s a good fit for your experience.

How to Submit

If you’re confident your post meets all the guidelines listed above, then send it to We’ll review it and get back to you within a couple of weeks.