by Nicole Basham | Jul 26, 2023 | Meet the Mentors
Lorelei is a nonprofit professional with over a decade of experience in the sector, ranging from Board service, fundraising, marketing and communications, to programming development and facilitation. Her focus is around equity-centered missions with a special emphasis on women’s empowerment.
by Nicole Basham | May 16, 2023 | Meet the Mentors
Paige helps nonprofits, schools, and other purpose-driven clients define their brands, refine their messaging, and develop strategic marketing and communication plans to achieve their goals. Paige’s strengths are curiosity, pragmatism, and ideation.
by Nicole Basham | Mar 16, 2023 | Meet the Mentors
Sheila Scarborough is a speaker, trainer, and writer specializing in tourism, travel, and social media. Along with Leslie McLellan, she’s part of the Tourism Currents team, offering online and in-person workshops and training in social media marketing for tourism, hospitality, and economic development.