Written by Maria Cammack.

Survey1We Asked, You Answered, We Listened. In November, we asked members and supporters to take our WCA survey so we could gather insights and feedback that would help guide the future of our rapidly growing organization.  Many of you took the survey and we really appreciate it. While we are still working our way through the results and the actions we will take based on what we learned, we wanted to share five preliminary findings with you.

1. We have many new members but also a great representation of long-time members
Almost half (42%) of the WCA members who responded to the survey have been a member for 1-5 years while nearly 18% of members who responded have been WCA members for more than 10 years!

2. We have a strong presence of seasoned communications leaders
Many of the respondents to the survey (38%) have been in the communications industry for more than 20 years, and nearly three in four have been in the industry for a decade or more.

3. We mainly have representation in small organizations
A large group of respondents (38%) are freelancers or solopreneurs while another 28% work in small organizations with 2-50 employees.

4. Many respondents do not work in organizations that specialize in communications
Close to half (44%) of respondents work for organizations that do not specialize in communications. When looking only at respondents who work for organizations with at least 2 people, only 21% of respondents stated they work for organizations that specialize in communications. This indicates that women who work in communications agencies have a small presence within WCA.

5. Respondents fulfill many communications roles in their day-to-day job
The most popular job duties include content writing/editing (84%), marketing (67%), social media (59%), communications consulting (55%), strategic planning (55%) and public relations (50%).

Stay tuned for more survey findings.

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