Surveys show that more than 75 percent of consumers own a mobile device enabled to receive email. They also delete the emails that don’t look good on their mobile devices.
With the widespread adoption of smart phones and tablets, proper email rendering on mobile devices has become crucial to the success of email marketing efforts, said Ed Sanders of BlueHornet email marketing, an AWC Austin sponsor who spoke at the Dec. 14 luncheon.
What marketers need is a way to create one email that can be read easily on both desktop
and mobile devices, he said. Currently, most marketers create a separate email for mobile
users and deliver it based on subscriber preferences or provide a link in their email to open a mobile-friendly version in the device’s web browser. But by taking advantage of new coding techniques, Sanders said BlueHornet can help you deliver both desktop and mobile-friendly versions automatically, changing the way you design emails to be read on different devices.
BlueHornet’s delivery process uses responsive design, which is already being used in many
websites. Email marketers, however, are just beginning to take advantage of this technique, Sanders said, and it is changing the way they design emails for improved rendering across different devices. The process can be applied using the client’s current Email Service Provider (ESP) tool set.
BlueHornet (BH), a leading enterprise level Email Service Provider, won the ClickZ Best Of Email Marketing Award for two consecutive years, in both 2011 and 2012. The company received the award for superior support, deliverability, technology, creative services, and strategy.
To learn more about BlueHornet, contact Ed Sanders at,
(214) 498-5353 or (866) 586-3755, visit, and follow BlueHornet at
@bluehornetemail on Twitter.
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- Anne Lasseigne Tiedt, APR - January 6, 2024
- Cindy Friedman - December 6, 2023