by Leslie Hancock

good advice for freelancers
Freelance Austin’s Twitter stream (@FreelanceAustin) features a treasure trove of freelancing tips. Here are twenty valuable suggestions for self-employed communications professionals and those considering taking the leap into full-time freelancing:

1. Specialize in something that sets you apart from other freelancers in your area, but be flexible and willing to do more than one type of work

2. Have a business plan and revisit it often.

3. Get out and network. You can pick up new clients and projects by referrals from people you’ve met at networking functions.

4. Maintain relationships with clients after finishing projects. Good relationships often lead to repeat business.

5. Don’t neglect your own brand. Make sure your logo, web site, business cards, brochures, etc. look clean, unified, and professional.

6. Keep your social media profiles fresh and current. Don’t let them get outdated and stale, clearly untouched for months.

7. Have a standard, boilerplate contract to use with clients who don’t have their own. There are many available free or inexpensive online.

8. Start looking for your next project long before you finish your current one.

9. During dry spells, take the opportunity to update your web page, blog, LinkedIn profile, and marketing efforts.

10. Don’t accept less than the going rate for a given service. Ask other freelancers what they charge; you’ll be surprised how many will happily tell you.

11. How can you “go home” from work when you work at home? Keep it in one room and close the door on it!

12. Set a timer or alarms on your phone to keep you on track when dividing your time between multiple projects.

13. How you spend your attention is more important than how you spend your time. (Credit: @mnthomas)

14. Ask for half up front, the other half upon delivery. [If that doesn’t work Net 10. Firm. NO Net 30! Ever. @PattiDeNucci]

15. If there isn’t time to do it right now, you can bet on even less time to do it later. Get it done now.

16. Working at home with young children? Consider hiring an in-home caregiver to keep them out of your hair but nearby while you work.

17. Emphasize to friends and family that you can’t drop your work at a moment’s notice to socialize. Stick to this and be consistent or they won’t respect your work time.

18. Set aside income tax and Social Security from every check you receive without fail; just pretend it doesn’t exist.

19. Run errands and make appointments during light traffic hours; your time is worth money, and you’ll spend less time on these things if you do them when most other people are at work.

20. Consider co-working in order to combat loneliness, exchange referrals, and meet professionals with complementary skills

What other tips do you have for freelancers?

Photo uploaded to Flickr Creative Commons.

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